The highlight of every year for HOSA members is the HOSA International Leadership Conference. The conference is held in June in different cities across the United States.
The HOSA International Leadership Conference includes:
- Four exciting general sessions
- HOSA University for members, state officers and advisors
- Exhibits presented by health organizations and associations
- Competitive events focused on leadership, professional and technical skills
- Annual business of the national student organization of HOSA by the national voting delegates
- Educational Symposium workshops presented by professional partners that provide Information about current health care issues
- An opportunity to meet people from across the globe with similar career goals
- Fun, excitement, recognition, and opportunity for all HOSA members!
Registration for the March 2019 Alaska State Leadership Conference is open from November 8th through January 22, 2019.
Register Here.
The 2020 International Leadership Conference is going virtual. Learn more from this video:
Competitive Events Information

Topic: Alaska HOSA Promotion
Time: Nov 18, 2020 02:00 PM Alaska time
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